Let us honor the Queen of Spices!
A tooth whitener for ancient Egyptians, a perfume for the Greeks. Scooped up by Vikings in Constantinople and brought back to become a favorite of Scandinavia for more than a thousand years.
We sing of cardamom, pods of the gods.
Cardamom is related to ginger and brings a cozy sweetness that aligns with cinnamon and orange. The most valuable variety grows in Karala, India, where it is as prized as saffron. However, this queen isn’t necessarily treated with the utmost respect.
DeAnna has observed the modern global market with regret. “The auctions of cardamom are so ruthless.”
While she seeks the most sustainable and honorable harvest of cardamom, she honors each seed pod she uses.
“When I use cardamom, how am I going to get the most out of it?”
And there is so much this unassuming, small pod offers.
Show it some love! It is an aphrodisiac by trait. It’s delicious blended into a lickable honey, whiskey cordial or drops of the essential oil in an air diffuser to set the mood.
Take a pod and crack it open. Within it you will find a tight cluster of small black seeds. These are potent and flavorful, but easy enough on the body that you can chew them raw. Chewing the seeds can sweeten your breath and help prevent tooth decay.
Alternately, you drop the seeds into your water bottle to gain the digestive benefits, particularly if you’re feeling bloated or gaseous. Typically, you will find cardamom ground and only a pinch is needed. Cardamom is also an essential ingredient in chai blends.
Cardamom has sweet and bitter flavor attributes. It is cooling and nourishing to the body, a heart tonic, and a digestive balancer. Research has indicated it can be effective in counteracting some forms of cancer. It is also a well-known antidepressant.
If you don’t feel good, chew on a couple cardamom seeds and see how you feel 15 minutes later!
Health Benefits Of Cardamom at a Glance….
Cooling, cleansing yet nourishing
A liver and heart tonic
Cleanses the lymphatic and cardiovascular systems
Full of antioxidants
May lower blood pressure
May lower cholesterol
Helps fight cancer
Helps with digestive discomfort
Helps relieve nausea
May reduce ulcers
Treats bad breath
Prevents cavities
Treats infections
Relieves flatulence
Alleviates bloating
May improve breathing and oxygen use during exercise
May help treat asthma
May protect the liver against disease
May reduce anxiety
May help weight loss
Here’s a taste of other ways you can use cardamom:
Add a tsp of the powder to a cup and add boiling water to make a tea. Sweeten if you wish. This can help relieve acidity in the digestion, bloating, and gas.
Sprinkle alongside cinnamon on hot or cold cereal or fruit
Cardamom Essential Oil for Intestinal Clearing
3 drops neat in the AM and PM. Place in your hand and rub on your abdomen.
- Essential oils are transdermal, so they absorb into the bloodstream via the skin. They are potent, so 6 drops as a daily total is all you will need.
- Cardamom is a carminative, which means it dispels gaseous waste and alkalizes the waste for a less eruptive clearing.
- It is also good for the liver and gallbladder and so it acts as a precursor for further cleansing.
What are you looking for in a healthy cardamom pod?
The more green, the better. Crack it open and the seeds should be dark brown. The seeds should be a bit sticky when really they’re fresh.
Treatments and products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and treatments are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
The thoughts, suggestions, and opinions presented on this website are based on the philosophy and approach of the dhyana Center. They are not intended as professional, medical advice or to replace your relationship with a qualified health care provider. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.