About DeAnna

dhyana Essentials - products for finding your balance
Handcrafted in Sebastopol, California, dhyana Essentials is rooted in the wisdom of Ayurveda and formulated by
practitioner and educator, DeAnna Batdorff. With more than 30 years of experience working in the trenches of human
health, DeAnna has custom-formulated Ayurvedic and Elemental balancing products with a focus on the lymphatic
system. As an offering for individuals to weave self-care into their daily ritual, DeAnna and her team consciously
craft small-batch, high-quality plant remedies with ethically sourced, fair trade, organic ingredients. These
time-tested creations are tailored to target imbalances of the three doshas by addressing the opposite of hot,
cold, dry, and wet. Bring your body back to a state of balance with nutrient-rich, high-efficacy everyday
essentials because, after all, self-care is the best healthcare.
"I could never do one thing for 33 years unless it was working and inspiring each individual to find and be

"What a gift it has been to become a part of the dhyana center. It has introduced so many good things into my life"

Ayurvedic Practitioner, MyBody Educator, Lymphatic Specialist
DeAnna Batdorff, a Generation-X born and raised in California, is a wholistic health detective with over 30 years of experience as an Ayurvedic Practitioner, Lymphatic Massage Specialist, Nutrition Counselor, Western Herbalist, and Clinical Aromatherapist. She specializes in reading the pulse, spine, face, skin, and tongue as primary assessment tools. All of DeAnna’s teachings are rooted in her three foundational pillars: listen to self through symptoms, the right to take action, and ‘follow-through means feeling better.'
DeAnna has seen it all. Some 26 years ago, DeAnna founded and established a ‘by donation’ Ayurvedic weekly clinic and has the only Medi-Cal/Medi-Care funded Ayurvedic consultation program through the West County Health Centers. As an educator who gained permission to share knowledge from her mentors in India and beyond, DeAnna has assisted over 250,000 individuals on their journey to better health through owning their right to 'self-care as healthcare’—offering an in-depth understanding of how the body works and how to bring it back to a state of elemental balance no matter what the circumstance, even during end-of-life sacred passages. Her well-earned wisdom and radical teachings offer an uplifting and empowering look into how elemental theory presents in our 'dis-ease' and how one can apply elemental traditions from around the world to improve wellness.
DeAnna’s life passion lies in providing a neutral safe space for clients to explore emotional awareness with all physical issues and supporting ALL people regardless of their gender identity, religion, creed or socioeconomic background. She is known to talk about anything and everything when it comes to the body and health—nothing is "TMI" for DeAnna! Year after year, she pushes against the disempowering beliefs and exclusions that many have become accustomed to in their health journey. Instead, she hands her clients back the power to reclaim their individual health—to become their own health detective through learning to listen to their symptoms along with having access to the balancing remedies that can bring upon better health.
In 2020, DeAnna was called to evolve her practice beyond the brick walls of the cherished dhyana Center in Sebastopol, which she dreamed up and built with her partner Scott over 25 years ago, to a global-reaching experience. While she plans to continue teaching and practicing in-person, DeAnna feels grateful to have the opportunity to reach people across the globe through virtual offerings. Recently, DeAnna launched dhyana Essentials and MyBody Education—quality products and immersive education to empower all with the knowledge, tools, and skills for finding their balance through the ebb and flow of life. The MyBody courses teach transformational tools that each student will carry for a lifetime—self-care techniques, herbal wisdom, a deep knowledge of the lymphatic system, and all things Elemental Theory and Ayurveda.
DeAnna is pioneering an empowering movement of better health via the Self. The movement is "MyBody"—encouraging everyone with a body to reclaim their right to heal.
DeAnna lovingly credits all of her teachers along the way: Jeanne Rose, Michael Tierra, Marcel Lavabre, Horst Rechelbacher, Dr. Lobsang Rapgay, Swami Niranjananda, Dr. Vasant Lad, Miss Beatrice Waight, Dr. Shrestra, Ed Bauman and Dr. Liladhar Gupta. DeAnna also considers her clients and students to be the best teachers she could ever have.

"I am grateful for your abilities to listen to what is behind the stories, listen intensely to what is truly in the pulse, listen to the layers of body.... listen to your intuition. And then have courage and wisdom to act boldly, You are the most profound healer I have come across"