NOT IN USE Appointments with DeAnna
At this time, DeAnna is not booking client appointments online. If you are a new client interested in booking an appointment with DeAnna, we first require that you attend a community clinic. During a community clinic, you can meet with DeAnna and her student practitioners to do a preliminary assessment of your symptoms.
If you are an ongoing client of DeAnna's, please send an email to to book an appointment. Please note, DeAnna generally books 4 to 6 months in advance. The best way to see her more quickly is through a community clinic.
There are a variety of ways to receive care from DeAnna:
DeAnna can do a thorough assessment of your health and give you advice through a Tongue Assessment, available on our website.
DeAnna does Custom Essential Oil Formulations to support your healing journey.
You can submit questions to be answered on our twice-monthly YouTube Live and Podcast, Ask DeAnna Anything. You can submit questions on the first page of our website ( Scroll to the bottom of the page and use the form there to submit your questions. Listen to the podcast here.
We hope to be of service in your healing journey!